Professional General Cleaning Service, Hotels & Villa Cleaning Service, Home Cleaning Services in Bali
Why should we be concerned with Green Cleaning?
• The USA comprises about 5% of the world’s population and annually produces 27% of
the world’s garbage.
• The USA uses 6 billion pounds of chemical products yearly.
• The USA uses 4.5 billion pounds of paper products yearly.
• The USA uses 35 billion pounds of plastic liners yearly.
• The USA disposes of 500 million pounds of cleaning equipment yearly.
• The USA disposes of 100 million tons of construction waste yearly.
• 80% of our time is spent indoors.
• EPA rates the indoor environment is potentially 3-5 times more harmful to humans than
the outdoor environment.
• EPA rates indoor air quality as one of the top 5 health risks.
• Two-thirds of commercial buildings are rated as having “sick building syndrome” = $20 billion
in worker compensation claims.
• There are 100 million lost work days each year due to poor indoor air quality = $100 billion.
These numbers emphasize the immediate need to be concerned about the cleaning process and its effect on the health of the user, occupant, visitor and the indoor and outdoor environment.
Also more state and local governments are mandating environmentally preferable purchasing procedures, products, equipment and cleaning procedures.
States: California, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and more all the time.
What is Green Cleaning?
Executive Order 13101 defines Green Cleaning as the use of products and services that reduce the health and environmental impact compared to similar products and services used for the same purpose. Another definition of Green Cleaning is cleaning to safeguard human health while minimizing the impact to the environment. Its goal is to protect the health of building occupants, visitors and cleaning personnel, as well as reducing polluting effects on our air and water. Unlike traditional cleaning, it goes far beyond simple appearance, focusing on products and services that have fewer adverse health and environmental impacts as compared with others that might be used for the same purpose.
For the past two decades, the major emphasis in the JanSan industry has been to find new ways to “do more with less”. Accordingly, most new cleaning procedures, products and systems have been developed with the primary goal of improving the productivity of cleaning personnel and reducing costs. Although these aspects are important, the health of the facility and those who live, work or occupy it have not received the same deserved attention. Green Cleaning changes all of this by helping to clarify the connection between cleaning, health and the protection of our environment.
Green Cleaning is more than just using “green” products. The success of a green cleaning program is dependent on numerous other factors. While the selection of products is important, it will have little effect in an otherwise inadequate cleaning regimen that leaves facilities dirty and the health of occupants, visitors and the environment at risk. Green Cleaning encompasses a total program including chemicals, procedures, equipment, paper, liners, mops, matting, everything used in an effective cleaning program.
The movement toward green cleaning does not imply that traditional methods are inadequate or have created unsafe conditions. Instead it can be viewed as simply taking the next step beyond our current approaches to further reduce polluting impacts while continuing to maintain and improve the healthfulness, comfort and aesthetics of our surroundings.
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Bali Cleaning Service, provided the Professional Commercial Cleaning Service, General & Home Cleaning, Mobile Cleaning, Hygiene & Sanitation, Landscaping & Gardening, Pest Control, Cristalisasi of Marble, Granite & Terazo for the building, office complex, restaurant, agency, hospital, the factory or the individual’s house. Bali Green Cleaning is The Best Bali Cleaning Service. We are profesional Bali Cleaning Service. Bali Cleaning Service always support all your activities. Let the Bali Cleaning Service experts improve your bottom line through a healthier work environment and more productive employees.