Our Commercial and Home Cleaners’ Guarantee
When using our commercial cleaners and home cleaners, you’re assured a thorough cleaning schedule. As our highly valued client, we create this schedule around you, not the other way around. Our commercial and home cleaners will do things exactly how you like them done. The security-checked team are dedicated to good cleaning services and they follow our high standards and your personal cleaning blueprint to ensure everything is scrubbed to your specification. If, at any time, you ...
How to Choose the Right Liner
Because advanced Rollpak films are thinner and stronger, gauge is just one consideration in choosing the best liner for the job. For the ideal combination of performance and cost effectiveness, follow these simple stepsStep 1: Determine the proper resin type for your application. • Linear Low Density - LLDPE - Everyday use liner. Suitable for virtually any application and environment. - Offers good puncture ...
Resources for Information
• Green Seal - www.greenseal.org • United States Green Building Council (USGBC) - www.usgbc.org • Canada’s Environmental ...
Have an On-Site Green Survey
Want to go green? Not sure how to get started? We can help. We will send someone to your facility upon your request to do a complete survey of what needs to be done to “Go Green”. Saffelle, Inc. is experienced and knowledgeable on this subject and we can help you get started immediately. There is no charge for this service and we will additionally offer hands-on training to help get you ...
Green Cleaning FAQ
Green Cleaning Frequently Asked Questions Q.A. Q.A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. What does green cleaning mean? Green Cleaning in its most simplified form is defined as cleaning to protect health while minimizing the effect on the environment.How can I be sure I am not being duped into buying products that make untrue claims about chemical safeness?Take a good look at the claims the product is making. If it looks ...
Implementing A Green Program
“It ain’t easy Going Green”By nature, people are resistant to change. Change is perceived as hard, time consuming and threatening.The green cleaning concept is really an intangible, something you can’t see, touch, smell or hear, so your challenge in gaining support and commitment is to make it more tangible. The amount of detail, method of presentation and key points of focus will vary depending on the nature of your organization ...
How to Select Green Products?
“It ain’t easy Going Green”By nature, people are resistant to change. Change is perceived as hard, time consuming and threatening.The green cleaning concept is really an intangible, something you can’t see, touch, smell or hear, so your challenge in gaining support and commitment is to make it more tangible. The amount of detail, method of presentation and key points of focus will vary depending on the nature of your organization ...
Green Cleaning Procedures for Commercial Facilities
The following section covers Green Cleaning procedures for commercial facilities. This is not a “how to” manual. It will not tell you, for example, how to strip and refinish a floor; but it will address how hard floor care differs in a green cleaning approach. What determines the differences are the underlying health and environmental issues, not just the appearance of the building. A key issue that cuts across all cleaning procedures ...
Green Guard
GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI) is an industry independent, non-profit organization that oversees the GREENGUARD Certification Program. As an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developer, GEI establishes acceptable standards for indoor products and testing protocols. GREENGUARD’s goal is to improve public health and quality of life by helping manufacturers build better and safer products. The GREENGUARD Certification program identifies specific products that have been tested and continue to be tested to ...
ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS)
The Cleaning Industry Management Standard is designed to assist cleaning organizations (in-house and service contractors) in setting up a management system that allows an organization to meet specific goals. The Standard is a management framework that can be used to develop customer-centered, quality organizations. One of the most important features of the Standard is that it is non-prescriptive and is based on management principles that have proven to be primary characteristics of ...
Design for the Environment (DfE)
The DfE Program is distinct from all other product recognition or Ecolab ling programs. The DfE program reviews each product component, starting with the chemical component’s structure to determine its key health and environmental characteristics. Then ingredient characteristics are compared to other chemicals in the same use class and considers any possible negative synergies between the ingredients. Because of the program’s initial success, EPA recently started out-sourcing the testing component of this ...
Environmental Choice Program (ECP)
The Environmental Choice Program (ECP), Environment Canada's Ecolabeling program, helps consumers identify products and services that are less harmful to the environment. The “ECP” was established in 1988. The Program's official symbol of certification - the EcoLogo - features three stylized doves intertwined to form a maple leaf, representing consumers, industry and government working together to improve Canada's environment. A key aspect of the certification process is the requirement for third ...
What is USGBC (United States Green Building Council)?
USGBC is a standard-setting organization focused on the rapidly growing green building industry. It was formed to address the significant impacts of building design and operation on human health and the natural environment. It is a coalition of leaders from all segments of the building industry, including building owners and managers, architects and engineers, builders, building service contractors, product manufacturers, insurance companies ...
What is Green Seal?
Green Seal is an independent, non-profit organization that strives to achieve a healthier and cleaner environment by identifying and promoting products and services that cause less toxic pollution and waste, conserve resources and habitats and minimize global warming and ozone depletion. It works with manufacturers, industry sectors, purchasing groups and governments at all levels to “green” the production and purchasing chain. Mission: ...
Green Certification and Partnership Programs
Green Seal Green Seal is an independent, non-profit organization that strives to achieve a healthier and cleaner environment by identifying and promoting products and services that cause less toxic pollution and waste, conserve resources and habitats and minimize global warming and ozone depletion. It works with manufacturers, industry sectors, purchasing groups ...
Benefit of Green Cleaning
The Benefits of Green Cleaning The primary benefit of Green Cleaning, with its emphasis on cleaning for health, not just appearance, is a cleaner, healthier building. A healthier indoor environment translates into many concrete, bottom-line benefits for building owners, managers, service personnel and building occupants. • Economic - increased productivity, ROI, energy savings; reduction of hard and soft operating costs. • Environmental - using more renewable raw materials. The extraction of ...
Why should we be concerned with Green Cleaning?
• The USA comprises about 5% of the world’s population and annually produces 27% of the world’s garbage. • The USA uses 6 billion pounds of chemical products yearly. • The USA uses 4.5 billion pounds of paper products yearly. • The USA uses 35 billion pounds of plastic liners yearly. • The USA disposes of 500 million pounds of cleaning equipment yearly.
Special Request
We also do other various types of cleaning. If you need it cleaned call us for a free estimate. We do the following types of cleaning but not limited to just this type: - Floor waxing - Porches - Patio furniture or other outdoor furniture - Glass and vinyl windows - Opening and closing clean-ups for our seasonal customers. - Move-ins and move-outs, cleaning for realtors, etc. - Gutter cleaning Call us for a FREE ESTIMATE and ...
Pressure Cleaning
“Life Just Got Easier,” when you have BaliGreen’s Cleaning Service, Inc. pressure clean your hard to clean exterior surfaces. One of the most common statements made to us by our clients is “I have very little time to clean my house.” We understand that people work hard and have little time in their busy schedules for house cleaning or exterior cleaning. Call ...
Construction Cleaning Services
“Let the Green Cleaning Experts green your new building.” BaliGreen’s Cleaning Service, Inc. offers construction cleaning as part of our services. Why clean your new building with harsh cleaning products? This is especially important in cases where you are trying to build in an environmentally friendly way. We offer our clients a green cleaning service that ensures better indoor air quality and protects our precious environment. We have changed our cleaning practices and products ...