Our Service
Bali Cleaning Service, Bali General Cleaning Service, Bali Cleaning Clinic, Bali Marble Crystallization, Bali Terazo Crystallization, Bali Granite Crystallization, Bali Marble Restoration, Jasa Cleaning Service Bali
We are Professional House Cleaners & Home Cleaning Services in Bali, The Best Bali Cleaning Service.
Let the Bali Green Cleaning experts improve your bottom line through a healthier work environment and more productive employees.
“Life just got easier, when you use Bali Green Cleaning Service.
We will clean your home, business or construction project using environmentally safe products and procedures. We will strive to educate the public on the advantages of green cleaning to improve the quality of life indoors and outdoors.”
We are proud to introduce you about our services :
1. Cleaning & Maintenance Service
Our competencies is cleaning & care annually in daily or periodic depend on building materials. Bali Green Cleaning always give best training to our employee have good management system cleaning service.
Our priority is give service in Hotel and Villa because our human resources more expert in hospitality. We use a good chemical which good for environment, this is because we have motto “Good for The Environment – Good for You”. Bali Green Cleaning segmentation for hotel & villa such as :
1.1 Room Attendant
1.2 Public Area
1.3 Pool Attendant
1.4 Linen Attendant
1.5 Runner
1.6 High Rise Cleaning
2. Gardening & Landscaping Service
Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practised by landscape designers, combining nature and culture. In contemporary practice landscape design bridges between landscape architecture and garden design. Our service include cleaning garbage from plants, maintenance indoor & outdoor, plants protection from bugs, planning & redesign garden.
3. Pest Control / Integrated Pest Management
Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, usually because it is perceived to be detrimental to a person’s health, the ecology or the economy. Our pest control service have priority to manage Ant Control, Bed Bugs, Bird Pest Control, Cockroaches, Flies, Nuisance Wildlife Control & Management, Occasional Pests & Invaders, Rodents, Spiders, Stinging & Biting Insects, Stored Product Pests & Termites. In this pest control service we have human resources full incharge or mobile service for hotels & villas depend on your request.
The specification in our pest control management, we prefer to balance with the natural. Our target is create environment without pest & reduce pestisida (chemical) for our concept green.
We have pest management program such as:
* Integrated Insect Management
* Integrated Rodent Management
* Termite Proofing Management
* Bed Bug Control
* Bugs/Tick Control
* Insect Wood (Wood Ants) Borer Control
* Animal Control
* Etc.
Bali Green had some concept to support green controlling management, we offer our program pest management such as :
3.1 General Pest Prevention Programs (GP3)
Sort controlling programme is repressive action to pressed in pest population in every treatment. The prevention and sanitation is doing by own customer.
3.2 Totality Pest Prevention Program (TP3}
Long controlling programme is all complete treatment such as controlling, prevention, sanitation. In this programme we use proofing method to reduce pest entry point, sanitation in pest feeding place sources and exclusive cleaning pest home sources.
4. Special Job
In this service we work special jobs depend on client request for finishing cleaning service jobs target. For this special jobs working by our general cleaning team that have good individual skill full. For this special jobs we have such as :
4.1 Special Cleaning
Including : stripping & marble floor crystallization, andesit floor restoration, terrazzo floor crystallization, granite floor crystallization, maintenance palimanan floor, coating parquet & natural stone floor, grinding natural stone, special high rise outdoor building glass and many others.
4.2 Special Landscaping
In this segmentation our service is redesign plants & garden depend on client request. We can make new design for your gardening to make more better view & support by good human resources for landscaping & gardening.
4.3 Special Pool Cleaning
Special pool cleaning service is working for swimming pool and vacuuming pool treatment in swimming pool area in some areas until water condition in swimming pool is clean & safe.
5. Odor Controlling Service
Special odor controlling service for hotel, villa & offices. We handle odor problem solver, with biological decomposer substansial. We prefer not using chemical based on our mission Go Green. We use a microbiological substansial suach as : selulotik microorganism, proteolitik microorganism, amilotik microorganism, lipolitik microorganism, lactobacillus microorganism, anaerob microorganism. We can give you an odor controlingg treatment for hotel, hospital, kitchen, fabrics, villa, room hotel, septic tank. Our microbiological substansial stabilized microbial innoculants containing naturally occuring srains of selected bacteria and fungi to aid biological breakdown of organic compounds. Bali Green Cleaning substansial are the result of extensive and ongoing resuled in an additive product for the bio-remediation of fats, oil and grease in waste water.
6. General Cleaning
Special odor controlling service for hotel, villa & offices. We handle odor problem solver, with biological decomposer substansial. We prefer not using chemical based on our mission Go Green.
7. Floor Crystallization such as : granite, terazo, marble
8. Floor Restoration such as : granite, terazo, marble
9. Housekeeping Services
10. High Rise Cleaning Service
That’s all about Bali Green Cleaning, we hope have a good new from you as a colleagues to use our facility service. We hope can have a business relation to support your business & please your consideration about our service. Thank you & have success in all your business activities.
Here is a list of the types of facilities that we currently service in Bali:
1. Hotels
2. Villas
3. Public Area Services
4. Office Buildings
5. Banks
6. Medical Offices
7. Auto Dealerships
8. Club House/Country Club
9. Yacht Clubs
10. Clothing Boutiques
11. Government Facilities
12. Churches
13. Hospital
14. Catering Service Area
15. Public Area
16. School Area
Don’t hesitate – Call us NOW at 081339006577 / 081338125235 to see how Bali Green’s Cleaning Service can make your life easier!
Bali Green Cleaning “Good for Environment – Good for You”
Jl. Pulau buru No.34, Denpasar, Bali
Email: info@baligreencleaning.com or harris@baligreencleaning.com
Mobile : 081339006577 / 081338125235